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War in Israel: How should Christians Respond?

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

By now you all have heard about the barbarism and war that has broken out in the land of Israel. This is not something we can distance ourselves from as lovers of Jesus. Our Beloved One is deeply invested in Israel… He has made an everlasting covenant with this people and as His sons and daughters, we should be about our Father’s business, even as Jesus was.

This is not a political statement.

This is not optional as believers in the Jewish Messiah.

It is not about agreeing with everything that the nation of Israel and her leaders do and say.

This IS about carrying our Lord’s heart for His people and standing in the gap as an intercessor and friend. These are dark days leading up to the end of the age, but take heart, be strong and very brave! The Light WILL pierce the darkness! Though the nations and the devil rage, be encouraged by Jesus’ words to His disciples at the Last Supper, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” John 16:33.

It is not by coincidence that many of you joined with over 5 Million from around the globe to pray and fast for Israel in May during the Isaiah 62 fast. As Allen Hood rightly discerned, prayer and fasting not only brings answers, salvations and miracles… but it also agitates the demonic realm and stirs up the rage of Satan. We do not back down because of this reality, and neither are we unaware of the schemes of hell.

My heart has been marked, as I shared in my last blog, THE ISRAEL THING, and I would encourage you as fellow believers to intentionally dialogue with the Lord about this issue. Read and wrestle with Him through Romans 11… honestly the entire book of Scripture is absolutely dripping with His promise, affection and jealousy over the descendants of Jacob.

There once was a day where His Church was violently opposed to the Jewish people, slaughtering and oppressing them in the vilest moments of church history. Not every Christian physically carried out these atrocities as seen during the Crusades and the Holocaust, instead, they simply looked the other way.

This indifference is just as repulsive and deadly.

Stories of courageous saints such as Betsy and Corrie Ten Boom or Dietrich Bonhoeffer shine throughout history as rare examples of Christians who exhibited the heart of the Jesus on the cross “Father, forgive them, they know no what they do”, and the heart that Paul embodies in Romans 9:3, “For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren”.

While there is still some daylight left, we need to settle these issues in our heart. What do we say about Israel? Will we agree with the Lord unreservedly and stand as an Isaiah 62 watchmen, crying out for the salvation of Israel unto the day of the Lord!?

The middle of the night is not the time to buy oil. We need to do it today.

Wake Up, buy oil and read "End Times Preparation: This is Your Wake Up Call" for more!

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