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fight like deborah

In highschool I received a prophetic word from a lady and it has always resonated in me. I oftentimes wondered if perhaps an angel had come and prophesied over me because of the power I felt in those words (AND... I could not FIND this woman after she spoke it over me at church)! The word was about the Lord making me like Deborah to give wise council and fight the darkness.

The story and person of Deborah resonates with godly, passionate women for a reason. It's not just hype or coincidence that many ladies I talk to have a thing for Deborah! She WAS the JAM! I also believe that God has literally implanted within the heart of a woman the archetype of a warrior and Deborah is a biblical embodiment of that!

Too often we as women/mommas/care-givers feel as though we have to "sit this one out" when we become moms... sorry. I can't do the high-ropes course, I just had a c-section. Nope. No ice-skating for me, I'm pregnant. Road trip? Um no, I'm still breastfeeding. Missions trip? Not this time, I have four kids and theres just no way... Lead a Bible study? Not happening, I feel overwhelmed (and incompetent) enough already.

It's easy for our external circumstances to become our internal reality but THE TRUTH IS...


In the time of Deborah, the nation of Israel was living like an wayward orphan (no godly authority, each doing as he saw fit) and she arose as a maternal Voice of Wisdom. You can get a refresher of the story in Judges 4-5.

"Villagers in Israel would not fight;

they held back until I, Deborah, arose,

until I arose, a mother in Israel." Judges 5:7

"Wake up, wake up, Deborah!

Wake up, wake up, break out in song!" Judges 5:12

Deborah rallied the troops of Israel to fight against the wicked and extremely abusive commander of the foreign king who cruelly oppressed the Israelites. Although their great grandparents had JUST miraculously been led into the promise land and begun to occupy the land, a mere few generations passed and the people had drawn up false-peace treaties with foreign nations, begun to worship false idols and prostitute themselves to other gods, breaking covenant with the LORD!

Many Israelites would not even join in the battle when God said, "Go & fight!"

The people of God had grown weary in doing good. They had become wholly complacent in areas of compromise and lacked the sentiment to change.

An extreme lack of conviction, passion, or regard for God and Gods thoughts had crept up on His chosen people. Hmmm... this sounds a little too familiar for me.

How tragic to hear the Word of the Lord, receive the invitation, and turn away. Roll over in bed.





This is a fight! We are at war! The enemy will not relent simply because you are sleeping!

Those you love - your own children, and the children of your nation - will suffer the effects of your complacency!

How do you fight as godly woman? It is the joy of the Lord that is your strength!

It is oftentimes through your song that the breakthrough will come!

It is through intercession and petitioning the throne room of GOD!!!

Deborah you will have to go to war. You're made for it.

I believe right now it is time for Deborah to Arise and I am inviting you to do it in a tangible, physical, real-world kind of way today!

There are two invitations I extend to you...

Very soon Roe vs. Wade will be challenged in Supreme Court (which has never been done!) and our Jesus-loving, Spirit-filled, Michigan-native friends are spearheading this incredible fight! They are working with a Supreme Court lawyer to present this case in Supreme Court to END ABORTION. To raise up a moral OUTCRY against this degradation of humanity. Lou Engle and The Call has partnered with this incredible movement and honestly, when you hear the "behind the scene" stories & prophesies, it will give you chills at how MUCH this is on the Lords heart - the timing and incredible-ness of it all!!!

I beseech you sisters, brothers, friends, fellow warriors,

1. Sign the petition right now at

2. Prayerfully consider being part of this incredible event that is happening on the mall in Washington DC - more to come about it, but for now heres a promo vid!

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