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A New Start

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

Today I am starting something new.

I have always known God gave me a voice to say something. Oftentimes, I feel Him smile and even speak through me when I write and there is just something so fulfilling about doing what you are made to do. It just feels right.

Up until recently, I thought “this just isn’t the season to write”… 🙅🏼‍♀️

Mis-beliefs such as: “I don't have anything to say”, “other people are better writers”, “I don't have time” etc. ran circles around my mind.

I treated my dream to write as secondary to others and if I can say it plainly, though it hurts, treated my gift from the Lord with contempt instead of thankfulness, good stewardship and honor. This pains me. I think I truly thought I would know it was time to write because the masses would be cheering my name, “MEL-O-DY! MEL-O-DY! WRITE! WRITE!” 📣

It makes me smile to think about how silly that sounds 😂… but it just goes to show how irrational our inner excuses usually are.

Even Jesus, when His time had come to begin His public ministry, was not moved by the masses fickle approval and needs nor by the devil’s twisted taunts.

He received the affirmation from His Father 👆🏽, heeded the nudging from his mother and felt the resonance in His spirit. Yes, it was time.

In the same way, I feel a nudge from the Lord, that it is time for me to write much more consistently with the sobriety that the days are evil and my life is but a vapor. 🌬

When a woman is pregnant, regardless of the strength or absence of her support team, the job of birthing that baby rests on her (and the Lord!). There is something quite liberating about taking ownership of your dreams! Suddenly all the propped-up excuses fall flat as you brush past them, hand-in-hand with Jesus.

I share this vulnerable backstory because I believe many of you will feel a witness in your gut. And if so, let me give voice to what people don't know to say, “We need you!”

We need the gift inside you. The world does, the body of Christ does, the Lord does! 🎉

I am pregnant with the promise and it is my job to birth it out. I bet that same truth can be said about you! Let’s do this! 🙌🏼

My goal is to post helpful, Word-based encouragement and perspective a couple times a week - even if it’s just to process what I feel the Lord whispering to my heart.

May the Lord bless you friend & may His beautiful Word be a light unto your feet as you run after those dreams He has planted within you. Be encouraged today! ❤️

🗣“And whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’”

Isaiah 30:21

- xoxo -

243 views2 comments


Aug 30, 2021

Awesome go for it...


Aug 27, 2021

You know I love ya! Do it! You’re a blessing.

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