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prepare like esther

The story of Esther has been adapted into numerous family-friendly formats, but this is a story that is more desperate than our western "princess fairy tale" minds like to imagine. I encourage you to read this story with fresh eyes. If you take it all at face-value, you derive that this story is about a vulnerable orphan taken by force into the harem of a wicked king. A blossoming, beautiful girl who conceals her identity for fear of ethnic prejudice and persecution. Painted and manicured for the sole procurement of a one night stand with a powerful, dangerous stranger. As a virgin, I don't imagine this night being especially enjoyable for young Esther and yet the King was drawn to her and appoints her as queen! God works ALL things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. The demonic perversion and puppettering continues as wicked Haman persuades the king through sly speech and bribery to sign an edict legalizing the annihilation of the Jewish people. His goal: ethnic cleansing of an unfit, inferior people group... Gods chosen people. Shady stuff, people.

If you think Esther is beautiful and brave before this point, just wait to see what comes out when she is pressed to the point of crushing!!! By the way, this is inevitably what always happens: the Lord equips us for our destiny... then testing & persecution come... then the Lord refines our character through it and gives us grace for the journey... and the cycle continues over and over. Yay! He is conforming us to the image of His Son!

Esther gets a punch to her stomach when she receives news of the anti-semitic edict essentially heralding her own death. Does she roll over and take it? Does she hide behind her "role"? Does she turn her back on the Lord and her people?

Wait for it...

NO! The girl RISES UP!!!

How dare she! This unfit, ill-equipped orphan... this imposter to the royal family... this disposable "pretty face"... Of course these are merely the lies the accuser was likely trying to torment Esther with concerning her identity. In reality, through her response, Esther proves how hardcore of a princess warrior she really was!!! She was prepared for such a time as this! The girl knew how to FIGHT!!! Esther fought through prayer and won the battle even before she went before the king... because she first went to the King of KINGS and petitioned heaven!!!

Esther led her people in a three day total fast, fasting both food and water... she meant business. This bright, cunning, brave woman then prepared a feast in the presence of her enemies... the very men whose signatures were at the bottom of her death decree. She stepped out in faith, boldly coming before the king and through tact and careful consideration, she invited them to the meal and then again to another feast the next day where she would present her petition to the king. She could have conceivably "chickened out" at any point. Fear could have paralyzed her... yet her Defender Is Strong!

We, like Esther are called to preparation for such a time as this!

The preparation I am proposing is two-fold:

On one hand, we must allow our Father in Heaven to prepare us. We must welcome His correction and instead of fighting tooth & nail against circumstance - we must allow our Potter to use whatever pressure we feel, to form us into the image of Christ. This is not a blanket statement that makes abuse permissible nor should you confuse the bad things that happen to you with "Gods hand on your life". Never. But in this fallen world we are promised tribulation.

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2, Emphasis Added

Our greatest aim, as Christians, is to become like Christ. It was for JOY that Jesus endured the cross!!! We can enter that same JOY as we press into heavens grace for us today, and anticipate the rich reward and great harvest we will enjoy in our eternal life after death. This life is a vapor compared to the eternity of ruling and reigning with Christ.

The second form of preparation is a bit more concrete. Women arise. Fast. Pray. Petition Heaven. Fight. God has prepared you for such a time as this! You are not a victim of your circumstance, rather you are the light of the world!!!

On October 6-9th, there is a nation-wide tent meeting happening on the mall in Washington DC. I am inviting YOU to consider how the Lord is stirring you to participate. This gathering will petition heaven for the healing of our nation and the ending of abortion. 50+ tents (one for each state) will be sprawled across the mall, each one with continuous prayer & worship rising up to the throne room! Head to to find out more and please visit to sign the petition that will be presented in Supreme Court for the ending of abortion.

This is a momentous time in which we live.

Beloved, it is time for you to Prepare like Esther & fight like Deborah!

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